Featured Indie Authors

Q2 2024

S.A. Ernster

Dierock 88 lived up to my high expectations after I was star-struck by its amazing cover. I had an absolute blast reading this DEBUT sci-fi book, and I continually recommend it on my social media profiles. 

I always get a laugh from Ernster's X/Twitter posts that prove to be interesting ways to garner exposure for her series (pointing a gun at the book and demanding for you to read 😂) DR88 is the first in Ernster's Kosmonautai series and I can't be any more excited to continue with this series.

I have a full written review for Dierock 88 which can be found here.

JCM Berne

JCM Berne's Wistful Ascending was simply just a stupendous amount of fun that I keep thinking about. It was everything I wanted out of a sci-fi book and more. Action, hilarious dialogue, and a mystery that kept me guessing. 

Good news for me, too... there are MORE books ready for me to read in the Hybrid Helix Series 🙌

I am meeting with JCM in June for an episode of The BookBrew which I am very excited about so be on the lookout for that soon! JCM is also a huge supporter of the indie space, helping new and upcoming authors. He also actively engages with smallish BookTubers channels and I can't thank him enough for that. (Thank you ...🙏)

Scott Palmer

A Memory of Song was a brutal, epic, and emotional ride and I am so excited to see Scott Palmer's work in the hands of other fantasy lovers like myself. 

What is even crazier is that his soon-to-be-released prequel novella (The Sound of Starfall) gripped me even more in his world of Ardura. I had an opportunity to beta read this book and I was blown away. 

I have not written a full review of this book just yet (I'm sorry 😬) but just know, Scott was meant to write and I'm all here for it.

Also, here pretty soon, Scott will be joining me on the channel on an upcoming episode of The BookBrew! 🍻

Michael R. Miller

I loved reading Ascendant by Michael R. Miller. This dragon rider book is another example of how familiar tropes can be executed in a way that feels fresh and thrilling.

A few months ago, Michael joined me for an episode of The BookBrew which can be found here. This was a super fun call where I learned not only about the Songs of Chaos series but also about indie publishing as a whole. It was an eye-opening discussion about his journey in the indie space and his rise in the fantasy genre. 

This is another book that I haven't written a full review just yet (again... I am sorry) but it will come and it will be glowing. Excited to continue this series in the very near future!

Q1 2024

Norbert Zsivicz

The Sealed Empire has one of the best prologues I have ever read! This book completely took me by surprise being a fantastic fantasy & sci-fi hybrid. Also, there is no denying that this book cover is stunning.  🤯

This book quickly shot up to becoming one of my favorite sci-fi reads and I highly recommend it! Who doesn't love a cyber leviathan sea kraken monster...am I right?

I also had a blast speaking with Norbert during a BookBrew episode which can be found here.

If you want to learn more about the Sealed Empire and Norbert, check out his author link here.

E.J. Doble

Not only is E.J. a kind guy, he also writes some of the best fantasy I read in 2023. His Blood & Steel Saga quickly rose to the ranks of being in my TOP Fantasy reads. Particularly, his The Horns of Grief book is a 5 out of 5 ⭐s for me being everything I want and more out of a fantasy tale. Brutal action, revenge, magic, blood, and MORE.

And don't get me started on the covers in this series. Spoiler... I LOVE THEM!

I have a full written review for The Horns of Grief on my blog which can be found here. 

Additionally, I had the pleasure of having E.J. on an episode of The BookBrew which can be found here.

Ryan Skeffington

I am at a loss for words when it comes to Lost Souls. Actually scratch that, I have a full written review of Lost Souls where you can clearly tell that I am enamored by this story which can be found here.

Lost Souls is something that I fell in love with for MANY reasons and I can't wait to talk with more people about it as more and more eyes read this amazing book. 👀 I will commit many moments in this book to memory.

Ryan Skeffington has been a supporter of my channel ever since we first chatted many moons ago. Not only does he support me but other new and upcoming BookTubers like Christopher Navo and Beard of Darkness Book Reviews.

Also, here pretty soon, Ryan will be joining me on the channel on an upcoming episode of The BookBrew! 🍻

Bryan Wilson

Bryan Wilson is my first #thebreakins read and if this is how it starts, I am in VERY good hands with the other authors in this amazing writing group. 🤝

For you who do not know, The Break Ins is a writing group filled with new debut and returning indie authors that WILL break your TBR. 

I had a fantastic time reading through Bryan's The Forsaken Planet where I just need to see what happens next. Additionally, I have a full written review for Bryan's debut novel which can be found here.

I am more than excited to read his next book in the Power of the Stars series which comes out here very soon in 2024.

Also, guess what, Bryan will be joining me on my channel in an upcoming episode of the BookBrew! 🍻